You Are Invited To Join Us As We Build the Labyrinth

The beautiful deep red bricks have been ordered and on the date of Saturday September 24 (weather permitting)  we will all gather to help place the bricks in mortar to form the walls inside the labyrinth and on the perimeter. We will also be preparing the designated  paths leading to the labyrinth. The yellow, peach, light gray and white colored beach stone used on paths in the labyrinth and surrounding landscape will be brought into the site at a later date. Please mark your calendar and meet Mark Snyder, our professional artistic landscaper. Mark will direct the effort to where we are most needed. Please bring your own work gloves and share in the excitement. The time and any extra materials that may be needed will be posted at a later date.

Labyrinth construction begins!

In early August we reached 100% on our labyrinth fundraising project. We have roughed out the construction site and are currently in the process of selecting a supplier for the bricks and gravel needed to build our labyrinth. We will post more photos to document the construction as it happens.


Nancy Herrington and Lois Case inside the construction site